Monday, 30 January 2012


Photographed by Daisy Barrette

I am Jessica Taylor, currently a Grade12 student attending Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School in Kingston, ON.  I have taken many courses within the field of Technology, including Communications Technology, Yearbook, and Technological Design.  I am also part of the Specialist High Skills Major program for Technology, which has given me a great opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain new skills.  This program requires certain courses in technology based areas of study, and with it I have gained skills and certifications for CPR and First Aid, Fall Prevention and WHMIS among others.  I will also be completing a co-operative education course in Graphic Design in the upcoming semester, which will allow me to graduate with my “Red Seal” diploma for SHSM.

Besides an interest in technology, I am also heavily involved in the fine arts.  I have taken Visual Arts courses throughout high school, as well as others outside of the classroom, and I am continuing to discover who I am as an artist.  I like to take risks with my work, and love to experiment with new techniques and mediums.  I have begun to branch out into the digital art world, and I love every minute of it.  Other interests of mine include handmade crafts, travelling and experiencing different cultures, baking, as well as designing, whether it is characters, clothing or other conceptual ideas.  I am unsure of my future plans, however I will be returning for another year in order to take courses in history and the like as my SHSM has filled my current year.  This will also give me more time to plan on where I want to go, which may be to St. Lawrence College for Graphic Design, or OCAD for Illustration, or even somewhere else.  In the future, I also hope to continue to travel and see the world.  I hope you enjoy my blog and all that I have to offer! 

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